Quite a large number of empirical and conceptual papers exploring various facets of video reflexive ethnography have been published. The articles and book chapters listed below are just a few examples that fall into one of several topical areas: infection control, patient and family engagement, clinical practice, and communication. Each of the citations below will take you to either the full text article or PubMed abstract. Due to copyright restrictions, we are not able to supply links to the two book chapters.
There are many other topical areas as well. For other publications related to video reflexive ethnography please visit: https://videoreflexiveethnography.wordpress.com/
Infection control
- Iedema, R., Jorm, C., Hooker, C., Hor, S. Y., Wyer, M., & Gilbert, G. L. (2018). To follow a rule? On frontline clinicians’ understandings and embodiments of hospital-acquired infection prevention and control rules. Health, 1-20. https://doi.org/10.1177/1363459318785677
- Wyer, M., Iedema, R., Hor, S., Jorm, C., Hooker, C., & Gilbert, G. L. (2017). Patient involvement can affect clinicians’ perspectives and practices of infection prevention and control: A “post-qualitative” study using video-reflexive ethnography. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 16, 1-10.
- Hor, S., Hooker, C., Iedema, R., Wyer, M., Gilbert, G. L., Jorm, C., & O’Sullivan, M. V. N. (2016). Beyond hand hygiene: a qualitative study of the everyday work of preventing cross-contamination on hospital wards. BMJ Quality and Safety. doi: 10.1136/bmjqs-2016- 005878
- Iedema, R., Hor, S., Wyer, M., Gilbert, G. L., Jorm, C., Hooker, C., & O’Sullivan, M. V. N. (2015). An innovative approach to strengthening health professionals’ infection control and limiting hospital-acquired infection: video-reflexive ethnography. BMJ Innovations.
- Wyer, M., Jackson, D., Iedema, R., Hor, S., Gilbert, G. L., Jorm, C., . . . Carroll, K. (2015). Involving patients in understanding hospital infection control using visual methods. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 24(11-12), 1718-1729.
Patient and Family engagement
- Dadich, A., & Wyer, M. (2018). Patient involvement in healthcare-associated infection research: A lexical review. Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology, 39(6), 710-717. https://doi.org/10.1017/ice.2018.62
- Collier, A., & Wyer, M. (2015). Researching reflexively with patients and families: Two studies using video-reflexive ethnography to collaborate with patients and families in patient safety research. Qualitative Health Research, 26(7), 979-993.
- Collier, A., Sorensen, R., & Iedema, R. (2015). Patients’ and families’ perspectives of patient safety at the end of life: a video-reflexive ethnography study. International Journal for Quality in Health Care. doi: 10.1093/intqhc/mzv095
- Collier, A., Phillips, J. L., & Iedema, R. (2015). The meaning of home at the end of life: A video-reflexive ethnography study. Palliative Medicine, 29(8), 695-702.
- Hor, S., Godbold, N., Collier, A., & Iedema, R. (2013). Finding the patient in patient safety. Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine, 17(6), 567-583.
- Collier, A. (2012). Safe healing environments. In N. Godbold & M. Vaccarella (Eds.), Autonomous, Responsible, Alone: the Complexities of Patient Empowerment (pp. 155-170). London: Interdisciplinary Press.
Clinical Practice
- Mesman, J., Walsh, K., Kinsman, L., Ford, K., & Bywaters, D. (2019). Blending video-reflexive ethnography with solution-focused approach: A strengths-based approach to practice improvement in health care. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 18. 1-10. https://doi.org/10.1177/1609406919875277
- Lenne, B. S. (2018). The autism diagnostic encounter in action: Using video reflexive ethnography to explore the assessment of autism in the clinical trial. (PhD thesis). University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia. http://hdl.handle.net/2123/18595
- Iedema, R., Ball, C., Daly, B., Young, J., Green, T., Middleton, P. M., . . . Comerford, D. (2012). Design and trial of a new ambulance-to-emergency department handover protocol: ‘IMIST-AMBO’. BMJ Quality and Safety, 21(8), 627-633.
- Mesman, J. (2011). Resources of strength: An exnovation of hidden competences to preserve patient safety. In E. Rowley & J. Waring (Eds.), A socio-cultural perspective on patient safety. (pp. 71-92). Surrey: Ashgate.
- Iedema, R. (2011). Patient safety and clinical practice improvement: The importance of reflecting on real-time, in situ care processes. In E. Rowley & J. Waring (Eds.), A socio-cultural perspective on patient safety. (pp. 189-208). Surrey: Ashgate.
- Iedema, R. (2011). Creating safety by strengthening clinicians’ capacity for reflexivity. BMJ Quality and Safety, 20, S83-S86. doi: doi:10.1136/bmjqs.2010.046714
- Carroll, K. (2009a). Outsider, insider, alongsider: Examining reflexivity in hospital-based video research. International Journal of Multiple Research Approaches, 3(3), 246-263.
- Iedema, R., Merrick, E. T., Rajbhandari, D., Gardo, A., Stirling, A., & Herkes, R. (2009). Viewing the taken-for-granted from under a different aspect: A video-based method in pursuit of patient safety. International Journal of Multiple Research Approaches, 3(3), 290-301.
- Carroll, K., Mesman, J., McLeod, H., Boughey, J., Keeney, G., & Habermann, E. (2018). Seeing what works: Identifying and enhancing successful interprofessional collaboration between pathology and surgery. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1080/13561820.2018.1536041
- Hung, L., Phinney, A., Chaudhury, H., & Rodney, P. (2018). Using video-reflexive ethnography to engage hospital staff to improve dementia care. Global Qualitative Nursing Research, 5. 1-10. https://doi.org/10.1177/2333393618785095
- Urquhart, L.M., Ker, J.S. & Rees, C.E. (2018) Exploring the influence of context on feedback at medical school: a video-ethnography study. Advances in Health Science Education 23(1), 159-186. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10459-017-9781-2
- Noble, C., Billett, S., Hilder, J., Teodorczuk, A., Ajjawi, R. (2019). Enriching medical trainees’ learning through practice: A video reflexive ethnography study protocol. BMJ Open, 9. e031577. http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2019-031577
- Manojlovich, M., Harrod, M., Hofer, T.P., Heshmati, A., Umberfield, E., Frankel, R., and Krein, S. (2018). A formative evaluation of the video reflexive ethnography method, as applied to the physician/nurse dyad. BMJ Quality & Safety. Epub ahead of print [24 June 2018] doi:10.1136/bmjqs-2017-007728
- Hor, S., Iedema, R., & Manias, E. (2014). Creating spaces in intensive care for safe communication: a video- reflexive ethnographic study. BMJ Quality and Safety, 23, 1007-1013.
- Iedema, R. and Carroll, K. (2014) Intervening in health care communication using discourse analysis. In Jon Flowerdew (Ed.), Discourse in Context (pp. 185-204). Bloomsbury. London.
- Iedema, R., Long, D., & Carroll, K. (2010). Corridor communication, spatial design and patient safety: enacting and managing complexities. In A. van Marrewijk & D. Yanow (Eds.), Organizational spaces: Rematerializing the workaday world (pp. 41-57). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.
- Iedema, R., Merrick, E. T., Kerridge, R., Herkes, R., Lee, B., Anscombe, M., . . . White, L. (2009). Handover – Enabling Learning in Communication for Safety (HELiCS): a report on achievements at two hospital sites. MJA, 190(11), S133-S136.
- Carroll, K., Iedema, R.I., and Kerridge, R. (2008) ‘Reshaping ICU ward round practices using video-reflexive ethnography. Qualitative Health Research, 18(3) pp. 380-390
Theoretical Advances
VRE Methodology
- Carroll, K., & Mesman, J. (2018). Multiple researcher roles in video-reflexive ethnography. Qualitative Health Research, 28(7), 1145-1156. https://doi.org/10.1177/1049732318759490
- Dadich, A., Collier, A., Hodgins, M., & Crawford, G. (2018). Using positive organizational scholarship in healthcare and video reflexive ethnography to examine positive deviance to new public management in healthcare. Qualitative Health Research, 28(8), 1203–1216. https://doi.org/10.1177/1049732318759492
- Collier A., De Bellis A., Hosie A., Dadich, A., Symonds, T., Prendergast, J., … Bevan, A. (2019). Fundamental care for people with cognitive impairment in the hospital setting: A study combining positive organizational scholarship and video‐reflexive ethnography. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1111/jocn.15056